This “Code of Conduct” is designed to make clear expectations to our chaplains and life coaches for life, conduct, and engaging in chaplain ministry. The purpose is to set out guidelines for a safe, effective, and compassionate care that promotes the health and wellbeing of those being cared for. This code shall serve as a guide to making good decisions and exhibiting professional behavior, accountability, and submission to authority over you: First to Christ, Second to your church and Pastor, and Third to Christian Chaplains & Coaching as your ordaining and credentialling organization where you serve as one of our member chaplains and/or Christian Life Coaches only while this ordination remains in good standing. 


The Code

    • Promote and safeguard the best interests of the people you serve.
    • Be proactive and engaged in participating with and communicating with leadership of Christian Chaplains & Coaching as well as other Chaplains in our network. This is a collaboration and you are not just a number on a page. Participate! Communicate! Respond!
    • Treat all people, but especially those under your care, with dignity and respect.
    • Respect the rights of all people, organizations, and faith groups to hold their own values, traditions, beliefs, and practices.
    • We will remain neutral regarding political views. Our Chaplains will not use our ministry or our ordination as a platform for arguing for such views in writing, on social media, online forums, or any means of communication. Political involvement and differing opinions are acceptable, even encouraged, but not to the point of linking our ministry to your view or in causing division. 
    • Act with integrity, sensitivity, and understanding.
    • Practice the ministry of presence in loving and understanding ways. Be an instrument of peace, even with people you disagree with. 
    • Use language and words that demonstrate empathy and bring peace rather than division. Avoid incendiary language. Be a peacemaker. 
    • Develop and continue to grow in the skills and knowledge necessary to engage in an increasingly effective chaplain and/or Christian life coaching ministry.
    • Ensure that you are fit to practice as a chaplain and/or coach, safeguarding those under your care at all times by paying attention to your state of mind, your spiritual walk, and your health.
    • Uphold the reputation of Christian Chaplains & Coaching at all times, exhibiting high standards of Christian behavior in every area of your life.
    • Be committed to continuing education and meet the CE requirements of this ministry when they are due for completion. 
    • Do not attempt to counsel or coach someone in a situation where you are not qualified. Seek out assistance from qualified counselors or coaches to whom you may refer. 
    • Recognize, respect, and submit to your pastor as your primary spiritual authority under Christ as guided by Scripture. 
    • Recognize, respect, and submit to the leadership of Christian Chaplains & Coaching as having authority over your Chaplain Credential. 
    • Comply with this Code of Conduct at all times. 

    • Remain a member in good standing with a local biblical, evangelical*, protestant Christian church.
    • Grow in your knowledge and application of scripture for the purpose of discipleship, Christian maturity, a growing faith, and to become the person that God wants you to become through Christ.
    • Be certain of your salvation through faith in Christ, and Christ alone.
    • Do not proselytize. That is, never force your belief, faith, or political views on others uninvited. Just listen, listen, love, love. 
    • Be sure that you agree with the Christian Chaplains & Coaching Statement of Faith.
    • Learn to care for others in such a way that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is never pushed upon them, but rather, the light of Christ is visible in the way you live. Always gentle, humble, caring. A man or woman of peace. 
    • Become fluent in the Gospel and learn to share it without being legalistic or judgmental or condemning of others.
    • Understand that providing care for others depends on the Holy Spirit working through you in the hope of leading them to a new or stronger relationship with Christ. In the end, this is the only thing we do that will matter.
    • Your work as a chaplain and/or coach for our ministry must keep the Gospel always at the center, but in such a way as it does not alienate those who are under your care.
    • Sometimes, you must earn someone’s trust before you can effectively share the Gospel. Therefore, learn to make a friend, be a friend, and then win the friend to Christ. Always speak and act in ways that respect the dignity of every person you care for.  
    • You concentrate on the work of serving others with the love of Christ, and let God take care of their salvation.

    *"Evangelical" is defined as: Bible believing, gospel proclaiming, Christ only for salvation, in full agreement with our statement of faith.

    • Do not engage in pornography or unbiblical sexual relationships in any form at any time. If you struggle with this, you must seek another person to help you remain accountable to abstinence from this.
    • Never display sexualized behavior toward a person under your care.
    • Be careful of your use of touch to assure that your actions are never misunderstood.
    • Do not use illegal drugs, or abuse legally prescribed ones, at any time for any reason, ever.
    • Do not abuse alcohol.
    • Be able to pass periodic background checks.
    • Never engage in care to a person of the opposite sex in a private setting. You must conduct such meetings in the presence of another person or in a public place.
    • Never engage in care of a minor unless you are accompanied by another person or you meet in a public place.
    • Recognize the limits of your expertise in any area and seek assistance from other professionals who may help you in a situation beyond your ability. Be ready to refer relationships as may be needed.
    • Never manipulate, exploit, or intimidate anyone as this may cause stress or harm.
    • Never bully, show anger, or be abusive (verbally or physically) at any time.

    • Be guided by the Christian Chaplains & Coaching Statement of Faith at all times.
    • Will not officiate or participate in a formal capacity in any marriage that falls outside of the definition of marriage described in the Statement of Faith.
    • Will refrain from officiating in any pagan ritual or cult ceremony of any kind. 
    • Will refrain from participation in or promotion of any form of unbiblical spiritual practice. This includes but is not limited such things as the occult, magic jars, stones or rune stones, crystals, guided meditation, totem animals, or other expressions of pagan beliefs especially if they are rooted in witchcraft, sorcery, or shamanism. The term "Metaphysical" is not necessarily unchristian, but is often associated with new age religion and must be avoided. 
    • Be careful here. Consult with your pastor. Call the home office for clarification as needed. When in doubt, check it out. 

    • Respect the right of every individual to safeguard their personal information and limit its disclosure.
    • Be sure to communicate your commitment to confidentiality to every person who comes under your care.
    • Treat every communication and everything you know about a person as confidential. Never gossip!
    • Safeguard against breaches of confidentiality.
    • Understand the legal requirements of your state or other jurisdiction regarding pastoral confidentiality and possible requirements for mandatory reporting. 
    • Chaplains, as members of the clergy, and Life Coaches are required to keep conversations in strict confidence. You must abide by the requirements of mandatory reporting as defined by the legal jurisdiction in which you serve. You must ensure that confidential information is never shared with any party unless there is clear justification for doing so, which may include:
      The valid consent of the individual.
      Where you are aware of the potential for serious harm to self or others. 
      The prevention, detection, or prosecution of a serious crime.
      —When required by law or by order of a court of appropriate jurisdiction.

    • Be in relationship with other mature believers, including other chaplains, pastors, coaches, or ministry leaders. A chaplain and Christian coach should never be a lone ranger when it comes to ministry.
    • Engage in building Christian community around your life and ministry. Be on mission in community with other believers to a particular people group, or neighborhood, or network of relationships. Be proactive at recruiting potential chaplains to join CC&C and build a growing network of community chaplains in your area. 
    • Respect the skills, contributions, and integrity of other chaplains and coaches in our network.
    • Seek to find opportunities to collaborate with other chaplains and coaches in our network.
    • Communicate and cooperate with Christian Chaplains & Coaching home office and seek ways for collaboration, partnership, and to contribute to ministry growth. 
    • Make it a priority to participate in Christian Chaplains & Coaching Zoom meetings and annual conferences to build community, teamwork, and relationships. Attend as often as possible. We hope for your annual attendance at our conference and will make it as affordable as possible. We recognize that not all can afford this or may have scheduling constraints. But please attend at least every 2 or 3 years if you can. Make as many monthly Zoom meetings as you can. It is in your best interest, and we want to see you in person!
    • Be respectful to your own pastor and the leadership of Christian Chaplains & Coaching, accepting instruction from them and agreeing to be in submission to them as primary leaders.  

    Chaplain membership and ordination is "At Will" and under the sole discretion of Christian Chaplains & Coaching Ordaining Council. It can be revoked at any time by either party. All Chaplains and Life Coaches sign and represent that they have read, understand, agree, and will comply with the Christian Chaplains & Coaching Statement of Faith and this Code of Conduct and Ethics. Misconduct is described as any behavior that, in the sole opinion of the Ordination Council violates the standards of behavior outlined in this code. Misconduct may result in disciplinary action and/or revocation and suspension of the chaplaincy and/or coaching credential. 

Organizational discipline and ordination review procedures


In the event of a violation of our Code of Conduct or if a complaint is received against one of our Chaplains, we will open a case with our Board of Directors and Ordination Council to review. During such time, the chaplain credential may be temporarily suspended until the review is completed. The process will be determined by the Board of Directors following procedures they deem appropriate at the time and as warranted by the circumstances. 


Renewal Form Submission:

Every year beginning on October 15th our required annual membership renewal form will be sent by email to all chaplains. The deadline for form submission is December 1st. This form will update contact information, verify compliance with our code of conduct and ongoing church membership, verify the required continuing education and agreement with our expectations, and allow the chaplain to describe the ministry of service they have enjoyed during the year. Submissions after December 1st are considered late. If not received by December 31st the chaplain credential will be placed on temporary suspension. If not submitted by February 1st, the credential will be permanently revoked. 

Annual Dues:

Each year, annual dues of $130 will be payable by December 1st. They are considered late if not paid by December 31st. If paid after January 1st there will be a $50 late fee applied. For chaplains that give advance notice of financial hardship we may provide an extension of time to pay with no late penalty. This needs to be arranged prior to the deadline for payment. If late dues are not paid by or before February 1st, the credential will be permanently revoked.