the need for ministry to the incarcerated and their families
Evelyn Lemly and Karen Swanson
Evelyn is CEO of Kairos Prison Ministry International and also serves as the current President of the Correctional Ministries and Chaplain Association (CMCA).
Karen Swanson Ed.D is Director of Correctional Ministries Institute Wheaton College Billy Graham Center. She is the co-founder of Correctional Ministries and Chaplain Association (CMCA)
In this session you will learn that incarcerated men, women, youth, and their families are often forgotten missions in our own backyard. The are over 2 million incarcerated each year and 113 million adults directly impacted by incarceration today. We will discuss the need for ministry to the incarcerated and the impact on their lives, communities, and society. There is great need and many opportunities to serve them as Chaplains, both professional and lay volunteer. We will discuss some of the ways for Chaplains to be involved in prisons, jails, and with ministries who work in Correctional ministry.