disc personality and temperament assessment FOR cHRISTIANS

A personality and temperament assessment helps you understand why you act the way you do. It is an important tool in self-awareness that will help you chart a course away from unhealthy character traits to healthy, biblical character traits. Use this assessment to answer the question, “If I became the person God created me to be, what would that look like?” And then, develop a daily time place and plan to exercise healthy spiritual disciplines that will help you make progress.


our assessments


Personality and Temperament Assessment (We use The DISC Assessment for Christians). This helps you understand why you act the way you do. God created you with a unique personality. You respond to your circumstances based on your temperament. By special arrangement, Chaplains, students and friends of Christian Chaplains & Coaching may take this assessment for just $29, normally $59.   

Spiritual Gifts Assessment This helps you understand what God is preparing you to do. As a believer, you have the Holy Spirit who brings spiritual gifts into your life. The purpose is to equip you for the work and ministry that God had in mind for you when he first thought of creating you.

Core Values Assessment. This will help you understand why you do the things you do! Knowing your Core Values becomes a valuable tool in your own self-awareness. Together with personality assessment, spiritual gifts, and leadership styles, your Core Values assessment can make you a more effective member of the Body of Christ. But what is the difference between these things?

Leadership Style Assessment. Essentially leadership is influence. Since all believers are called to "Make disciples," we are therefor called to influence people toward progress and growth at walking the walk we talk. All Christians are leaders. Some are primary leaders and others are hidden leaders. But everyone should be leading someone toward Christ and helping them make progress at living for Him. Do you know your best leadership style?