disclosure statement

  • Completing a course or courses or any of the Certificate Programs we offer does not guarantee employment or certification as a Board-Certified Chaplain. Additional requirements are up to the certifying organization and an employers HR requirements.
  • We are committed to teaching to common qualifications and competencies established by the Board of Chaplaincy Certification Inc. (BCCI) 
  • We collaborate with the National Association of Evangelicals Chaplain Commission Board Certification (EBCC). We teach to the five additional competencies required of an Evangelical Biblical Christian to be Board Certified by them. Our campus teaches through an unapologetically Biblical Evangelical Protestant Christian worldview. Our goal is to be the CPE training option best suited to evangelicals. 
  • The five additional competencies for Evangelical Chaplains includes: 1) EPC1 Express how your evangelical values guide you in providing pastoral care, 2) EPC2 Provide specific biblical references that guide your clinical chaplain care, 3) EPC3 Discuss how you offer biblical guidance for those seeking answers and understanding, 4) EPC4 Describe your involvement in leading biblically based public worship, and 5) EPC5 Articulate a conceptual understanding of group dynamics and organizational behavior.
  • Being accepted as a student does not guarantee you will pass CPE. Failure may require you to repeat a course to proceed forward on the journey. A student's ability to proceed to the next level of CPE, e.g., 200, 300, or 400, is dependent on the recommendation of their CPE Supervisor-Educator. A positive recommendation is required for enrollment in all subsequent CPE courses. 
  • We expect our students to engage in the hard work of self study, self awareness, and life transformation. Failure to embrace the process of the Action-Reflection method of learning can result in failing the course. This is about the personal transformation required to be an excellent spiritual care provider.
  • If you have completed CPE courses with another accredited CPE program, we may accept one unit earned for students who transfer to our program. We will not accept a transfer of more than 1 CPE course. All new students to our program must start with our CPE 100. 
  • The curriculum of CPEI is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), which is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency and recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). 
  • We currently recommend board certifying agencies including ECC (Evangelical Chaplain Commission) ACCC (Association of Certified Christian Chaplains). Each organization has its own requirements and unique processes. Each one has advantages and disadvantages in vocational opportunities. It is up to the student to determine the best option for their own needs.
  • Christian Chaplains & Coaching charges a Campus and Coaching fee that is separate from the regular tuition and fees. This fee is refundable prior to the first day of class. 
  • Successful students will receive certificates of completion for CPE directly from CPEI.
  • Students are accountable to the learning outcomes and expectations established by CPEI as taught by Christian Chaplains & Coaching which include the BCCI competencies plus the Evangelical Christian competencies.
  • Learning goals, anticipated outcomes, and competencies for CPE 100, 200, 300, and 400 provide scaffolding for student academic growth. Each subsequent course builds on the previous learning experience. Each student must demonstrate a sincere and conscientious effort to achieve these goals, outcomes, and competencies. 
  • A student's degree of sincere and conscientious efforts will be evaluated and assessed by their CPE peers, internship site coordinator, CPE Supervisory Candidate, and CPE Supervisor-Educator. 
  • In our CPE curriculum the Final Evaluation will represent 75% of your total grade. Only 25% will come from course work. The most important component of your success in completing a CPE course with us is the Final Evaluation. So be sure to engage and respond to your supervisory educator and coach. They will have the final word regarding your pass or fail.