vision statement

To restore the Church, Pastors, Chaplains, and Life Coaching to Biblical Christianity

We reach people in secular settings for Christ by training and equipping mature believers to be commissioned as Pastors, Chaplains, and Certified Christian Coaches everywhere. We train and equip thousands, guiding them into missional communities that make a difference for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

We train and equip pastors, chaplains, leaders, ministry students, and church members to live missional lives in the context of community by serving well together in full view of people outside the church.

We provide effective life coaching and mentoring so that growth in personal spirituality and multiplication of ministry may be achieved. We help people find a God given vision for their lives and then make progress at reaching that destination. 

We encourage a team approach to ministry that produces the image of Christ as the body of Christ is pictured in the New Testament. No-one can serve effectively by themselves. No Lone Rangers here. The church is a family. We are the church. 

We produce a growing and contagious excitement about the mission that multiplies and expands the Gospel in our churches who serve their local communities and beyond.

We teach professional Chaplaincy including accredited Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) leading to professional Board Certification. Our Chaplains become a caring presence, non-judgmental, non-condemning, while engaging in loving relationships that strive to listen to understand rather than to prescribe. We never force our faith unwanted on anyone. We learn to share our faith as invited to do so. We love and care for all people no matter how they live. 

We partner with Christian Universities and Seminaries to provide education opportunities toward advanced degrees in pastoral counseling, spiritual care, and chaplaincy. 

We collaborate and partner with churches, missionary organizations, chaplain associations, workplace chaplains, hospitals and other clinical sites, prison ministries, The Veterans Administration and Federal Bureau of Prisons, police and fire departments, disaster response organizations, and any institution or ministry interested in training and education in all things spiritual care and Chaplaincy. 

We use technology and offer excellent distance education that produces effective learning environments and builds relationships. Genuine caring relationships is the hallmark of our teaching ministry. 

Disciples who make disciples that make disciples.

Pastors planting churches that plant churches. 

Leaders producing leaders that produce leaders.