With the Gospel always in focus, we will partner with churches, ministries, and institutions of higher education to provide training from a Biblical Worldview for effective ministry. We train students and seminarians for missional living in secular places. We are committed to a robust and effective Biblically accurate Christian education.
With scripture as our guide, we will partner with churches to produce effective servant leaders who cast vision and empower a well mobilized lay ministry that serves the hurting, reaches the lost, and disciples the saved. Our mission is carried out by licensing and ordaining qualified individuals to the Gospel ministry, serving as Pastors, Chaplains, and Life Coaches who mentor and disciple members of the body of Christ.
Christian Chaplains & Coaching is both interdenominational and nonsectarian. Our clear tenants of faith are defined by our Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct. We are serious about raising up leaders who become effective ministers, chaplains, pastors, coaches, and church planters.
We believe God has called us to minister independently of established denominations to provide accepted ministry credentials to qualified candidates as a recognized ecclesiastical body. And yet, we gladly collaborate and associate with those who are members of a denominational church who would like to associate with us by offering our ministry credentials to their flock. These credentials may include Ordained Pastor, Ordained Chaplain, and Certified Christian Life Coach.
Specific aspects of our missional purpose include:
1. Providing a structure of association for likeminded churches, pastors, and institutions who share our missional purpose to proclaim the Gospel and to disciple the saved.
2. Providing a structure for collaboration, communion, and association of autonomous churches who share our purpose but retain their own autonomy.
3. Providing for members to find fellowship, support, companionship, and training for ministry effectiveness and shared purpose.
4. Providing collaboration for other Christian organizations for a united and common voice especially as we serve the lost together in secular settings while growing the Church, together as the Body of Christ.
5. Providing a path of cooperation with churches who may seek our assistance in finding and placing pastors into vacancies and to fill the pulpit.
6. Providing for institutions to find and place qualified Christian Chaplains to serve on staff or as a volunteer while representing the Church we represent.
7. Providing training in church planting in the concept of "Missional Community" where Pastors collaborate with us to train and ordain lay believers to become Chaplains who lead small groups of fellow believers to serve in their local community together.
8. Providing encouragement to be the kind of church described in Acts chapter two.
Acts 2:42-47 ESV "And they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with gladness and generous hearts, and praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.