CPE supervisor education trainers


    Executive Director

    CPE Education Supervisor

    CPE Training Supervisor

    CCLC Certified Christian Life Coach and Trainer


    Jim is happily married to his wife Virginia of 40 years. They have four children and four wonderful grandchildren. Jim spent more than 25 years as an executive and CEO of a financial services and business consulting firm. Feeling called to ministry later in life, Jim attended Moody Theological Seminary and graduated with a Masters in Biblical Theology. He was ordained to pastoral ministry in 2007 and has been a senior teaching chaplain since 2010. Jim is a Board Certified Chaplain. He manages the day to day operations of our ministry. Jim is a Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor (CPES) with CPE International (CPEI). He serves on the Executive Board of CPEI. 


    Board Member

    CPE Education Supervisor

    CPE Training Supervisor

    CCLC Certified Christian Life Coach

    Ray is a Board Certified Chaplain (BCC) with the Association of Certified Christian Chaplains and dual certified with Spiritual Care Association. He is a CPE Supervisor Educator and has served for over 35 years as an ordained pastor and chaplain with the Evangelical Church Alliance serving in churches, hospitals, hospices, and law enforcement ministries. He holds a Master of Divinity. 

CPE Education Supervisors


  • Barry Surratt MAGTS BCC CPES CCLC

    Master of Arts in General Theological Studies


    Board Certified Chaplain

    CPE Education Supervisor

    Certified Christian Life Coach

    Barry is an ordained and endorsed Chaplain of Christian Chaplains & Coaching. He comes with many years experience in pastoral and chaplain care. A gifted teacher. He serves as CPE Program Director for our CPE collaboration with CPEI. A DEAC Accredited CPE program recognized by the Department of Education and CHEA.  

  • David "Mike" Bartley MDiv BCC CPES CCLC

    DMin Candidate

    Chaplains Academy Program Director

    Board Certified Chaplain

    CPE Education Supervisor

    Certified Christian Life Coach

    Mike is an ordained and endorsed Chaplain of Christian Chaplains & Coaching. A Military Veteran. He has more than 30 years experience in spiritual and pastoral care ministry as a Pastor and Chaplain, serving in hospitality ministry, church, prison, hospice, and clinical chaplaincy. His purpose statement is “I exist to lead average lives into abundant living.” 

  • Dr. Angella Davis BCC CPES CCLC

    Doctorate in Pastoral Counseling and Psychotherapy

    Communications Program Director

    Board Certified Chaplain

    CPE Education Supervisor Candidate

    Certified Christian Life Coach

    Angella holds a Doctorate Degree in Pastoral Counseling & Psychotherapy, a Master’s in Divinity, and Master’s in Health Administration. She has completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education and is a candidate for Board Certified Chaplain. She is an Ordained Chaplain of Christian Chaplains & Coaching. Her main focus of ministry is crisis counseling and intervention. She has a passion for working with young women to strengthen their identity and self-image. She is a professional visionary leader who believes in giving back and working with the spirit of excellence.  

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