our top 10 core values


Bible Knowledge (Study the Bible and Commitment to Learning!)

A commitment to scripture. This includes a commitment to being students of the word of God as well as learning how to apply it in every situation. We are dedicated to learning how to present the word of God to reach the lost and grow the saved for a changed life. 

Well Mobilized (Empowered) Lay Ministry

We are passionate about encouraging mature believers to learn how to be on mission for Christ in community with others. A well mobilized lay ministry is a powerful way to reach the lost, serve the hurting, make disciples, and help your pastor accomplish the mission for which he was called to serve his flock. Chaplaincy provides a wonderful door opening credential for mature believers who wish to be an active contributing disciple of Jesus. 

Leaders Producing Leaders  

The ability and desire to influence people toward pursuing and accomplishing their God given purpose for their lives. An emphasis on helping many to become leaders of others on that mission. We are committed to leadership that inspires growth and trains people to lead others. We value those who lead by example, having unquestionable integrity and transparency, who love patiently without lording their position over others in an authoritative way, serving as servant leaders that have high expectations for everyone to live as true and loving disciples of Christ. 

Passionate Evangelism and Gospel Fluency

We are committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ by spreading His love and good news. In other words, we desire to live our lives together in such a way as to show others what it looks like when the family of God shows up in their midst. We desire to become fluent in our understanding of the Gospel and learn how to communicate it effectively when given the opportunity to do so. We are the hands and feet of Christ. We love with the love of Christ in every circumstance while standing ready to share the hope that is within us whenever we are asked. 

Ministry in Community (Missional Team Ministry)

We are committed to working well together as a family and team to accomplish ministry, cooperating with each other and our leaders by being the body of Christ to our community. We desire to do life together on mission, out there where the lost and hurting and dying need us most. We resolve to identify and reach a particular people group or network of relationships with the Gospel and to make disciples whose lives are changed by our service to them. 


We are motivated to be a source of love and encouragement to all those who are hurting, feeling down, or suffering in any way. A key to successful Chaplaincy is practicing the ministry of presence. We will work together to show others they are not alone. We will be tireless in our desire to share our time with those in need. We believe the most important ability for a chaplain is his or her availability to be present with someone in need.


Practice Regular Spiritual Disciplines

We are committed to spending regular time with God in our personal devotions, reading His word, making our petitions known and praying for the people that God places under our care. We are committed to a regular time, place, and plan to be with God every day by practicing the presence of God. We believe this practice will give us peace, fill us with hope, and provide a sense of joy and contentment that will become visible to others as we practice our craft.

Mentoring Relationships (Coaching and Discipling)

We believe it is impossible to make disciples apart from the art of mentoring and coaching. Genuine progress implies accountability to each other, making progress ourselves, and helping others make progress as well. For this reason, the word "Coaching" is part of our ministry name! Committed to apprenticeships where people learn to live for Christ through mentoring. Discipleship is not telling people how to live; it is showing them how to live while we all make progress together. This can only happen in the context of community, on mission together in the day to day stuff of life. Accountability to change is part of mentoring. 


We are committed to producing excellent results in anything we say we will do. This commitment is applied to all aspects of life and living. We strive for excellence in our marriage, family, career, self-care, learning, serving, application of scripture, and everything that we do. We want our Chaplains and coaches to live according to Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for man."  


No "Lone Rangers" here! We believe in networking and collaborating with like minded individuals, churches, ministries, and institutions in the Kingdom work that we share. It is our goal to increase the effectiveness of our ministry by helping others as they also help us. We bring certain strengths, and others bring their strengths. Together, two can accomplish more than twice as much as one. Therefore, we encourage our Chaplains and Coaches to develop collaborations as we also work hard to develop them as well.